» PDF National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds Eastern Region Revised Edition National Audubon Society 9780679428527 Books
Frankie Hall on Monday, May 27, 2019
PDF National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds Eastern Region Revised Edition National Audubon Society 9780679428527 Books

Product details - Paperback 800 pages
- Publisher Alfred A. Knopf; 2nd edition (September 27, 1994)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0679428526

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds Eastern Region Revised Edition National Audubon Society 9780679428527 Books Reviews
- I would give a newer edition five stars. We have used the edition that came out in the 70's for four decades but it was pretty obsolete for a lot of what we are seeing in East Tennessee (such as a river full of osprey nests that were not shown as inhabiting this area when we first moved here), and it is surprising that the Society updated the book with this second edition in 1994 but not since, making it the most recent edition and surely deficient for current habitation information. I suspect the convenience of a computer search on one's smart phone has something to do with that, but having the book in hand is an entrenched pleasure we old folks are not surrendering yet.
- I have tried many bird books to ID the local Maine birds and this one is the best one I have found. Many books have pictures from odd angles, the wrong sizes for the birds, and very sparse information about the birds' habits and characteristics.I don't like the awkward plastic binder or the thin pages. The older editions were much sturdier and easier to handle but what can you do? This is the best book for New England in my opinion.
- Very informative and helpful in identifying the birds we've had coming to our feeders for the last few years in middle Tennessee! It's been very exciting for both my husband and myself. We are looking forward to the Spring and putting out new types of feed to attract different birds in our area. Great guide for young and old!
- Typical of Audubon books, this book has photos that are logically sorted by habit (pigeon-like, duck-like, perching...), that refer to text pages that include complete descriptions, range maps, nesting habits, and more. I'm new at this, and also have a National Geographic Field Guide, which includes the whole of North America. I have a fleeting glimpse, and don't have enough information to look the exact species of bird up. I don't know if it's a flycatcher or warbler. I can see that it's yellow, and perching. With Audubon, I can go to the perching birds, and look for the yellow grouping until I find my bird.
The book has Audubon's typical heavy duty vinyl cover, which flexes nicely in the hand, yet is durable enough for years of use. Love it and use it! - I really like this book. We have just started feeding birds and I can easily look up what they are in the book by looking at the pictures and then reading up on them.
- The first one of these I purchased for my Dad. He cataloged the birds in his yard using a Golden book, decided he
needed one with real pics. I then purchased one of me, and have discovered so much about the birds on my feeders over the years. This one I purchased for my godmother, she loves birds too and loves the book as well. Highly recommend
for bird watchers. I am sure there are other books, but this one is a great one! - My best friends 4 year old loves animals and wildlife so I bought him this book for Easter last year. (He has fur pelts hanging in his bedroom to give you a clue. He knows more about wildlife than most adults I know.)
I knew it would be advanced for him until he got older but since it has the full color photos I figured it would be ok. Plus this gave Mom and dad stuff to teach him.
The kid LOVES it! Mom said they get it out at least a couple times a week. They’ll see a bird fly by outside and he has to run inside and get his bird book so they can see if it’s in there.
I plan on getting him others so that eventually he has them all. As much as he loved this one I’m sure he’ll love the rest. - Bought this as a Christmas present for my father in law. He was very happy, and loved the contents, design and portability. It’s a small and cute book. Very nicely made.