PDF The Try Not To Laugh Challenge Joke Book for Kids and Family Easter Edition A Fun and Interactive Joke Book for Kids Ages 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 Years Old An Easter Basket Stuffer for kids Riddleland 9781090797605 Books

By Frankie Hall on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

PDF The Try Not To Laugh Challenge Joke Book for Kids and Family Easter Edition A Fun and Interactive Joke Book for Kids Ages 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 Years Old An Easter Basket Stuffer for kids Riddleland 9781090797605 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 115 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 18, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1090797605

The Try Not To Laugh Challenge Joke Book for Kids and Family Easter Edition A Fun and Interactive Joke Book for Kids Ages 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 Years Old An Easter Basket Stuffer for kids Riddleland 9781090797605 Books Reviews

  • This is a fabulous idea turning reading and language into a game that makes a child laugh, enables them to illicit a laugh in another, learn a funny delivery, expand vocabulary - I could go on and on. That is why I gave this book three stars instead of one. I was looking forward to Easter fun with my 7-year-old grandson, but when the book arrived and I scanned through it, I was disappointed in the content. There was a glaring lack of a good editor!

    A number of the jokes, while corny as expected, referenced things so far in the past it would be beyond understanding to the child reading it or even their parents such as the funky chicken or air mail; or subjects even an older kid wouldn't be able to relate to, like the appellate court. There need to be more relatable jokes. The text also contained numerous grammatical errors which is why I took two stars off. I suppose the lesson there would be to ask your kids to find and correct them. Disappointing that an inspired concept for learning and laughter has fallen flat through insufficient development.
  • These were easy funny jokes to ad to his stand up shows. It was a huge hit with our family! Not only has it encouraged him to read more, but the jokes are funny and appropriate for his age. An absolute winner!
  • I am at awe that a book can keep my twin's company for 3 whole hours in the plane. They kept trying to make each other laugh. I saw some silly faces that I never thought my twins could make. This is a very interesting book!
  • This is the hardest part to read the book without laughing. The stories was so funny. My kids love this book so much and they tell the story to their friends. Thanks to the writter who write the story.

    Love it.
  • Pretty clever jokes and riddles. Bought this for my 9 years niece and we got a good laugh out of it. Decided to play the game as it was more fun laughing at the jokes while making funny faces.
  • 3 rounds later, it was decided that my son has the funny bone in the family! The jokes were funny and easy to understand. My son is still trying to challenge me even though he can't stop giggling
  • The jokes in this book are unfortunately not funny, and the book was clearly written by somebody who doesn’t speak English as their primary language. Not trying to be mean however all the high ratings for this book are clearly fake. The comments, and the book itself, have the same sorts of typos and bad English, etc. The book was also published in March and I’d be skeptical that there’d be this many raving reviews so quickly. Save your money, wish I had.
  • I am at wonderment that a book can stay with my twin's for entire hours in the plane. They continued attempting to make each other laugh.I saw some senseless countenances that I never figured my twins could make.This is a fascinating book.